Goldspring Facts

Gold Mining in the Comstock Lode District of Goldhill NV an Investment in precious metal commodities of gold and silver

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

SEC Filings, Press Releases, Investor Brochures & Third Party web sites #9

Recommend due diligence (DD) utilizing many sources to cross reference information. The Goldspring company website is

Goldspring's One Year Common Stock Chart

Goldspring has agreements to be the largest consoliation of mineral rights on the Nevada Comstock Lode refer to the 2008 Annual Report in the SEC files as authorative.

Wikipedia has good information, but be aware that the information and info-bytes can be added by volunteers, even anyone, so do not accept it as fact until it has been cross referenced with authorative sources. The following may indeed have many established facts about the Comstock, but the informtion about Goldspring may be an interjection added by someone else at a later time that may be more visionary than accomplished fact. In the Fall of 2008 Goldspring had consolidated with numerous landowners to have mineral rights to over 3,500 acres. 6,000 acres is apparently a visionary goal. The 2009 Annual Report has pages of information about hundreds of claims. I have yet to learn what is the sum total in that SEC filing.

Latest News
Check the comps below, Google lists approx 10 comparble mining companies under each stock listing. As you study other mining companies you will notice that many websites will add one more part of inforamtion to your education about mining &/or investment. Very few company websites say all you need to know. Each can contribute a significant part. I have been endeavoring to create a database of information for a central location concerning the mining business.

As you click through more and more stocks in more and more comp tables, you will see that new Resource and Royalty companies are being listed 2 times a week. 2 months ago the rate was 1 a week. There is a significant history of adverse benefit associated with some Resource and Royalty companies.
Some royalty companies have been know to leverage into exorbant lending rates that ratchet for increased holdings into the company or the fees remove much of the profit.
Resource companies can be good, but some have been used for takeovers.

Radio and Webcast Interviews with Goldspring Inc senior management, CEO & President Robert Faber and COO & Chief Mining Engineer James Golden:
(1) Interview of Goldspring CEO, Rob Faber - February 08, 2008
(2) Interview of Goldspring CEO, Rob Faber and COO, Jim Golden - June 08, ‘8-Pt 1
(3) Interview of Goldspring COO, Jim Golden - June 08, 2008 - Pt 2
**(4) Interview of Goldspring COO, Jim Golden – Sept 08, 2008 - Pt 1
**(5) Interview of Goldspring COO Jim Golden – Sept 08, 2008 - Pt 2

Resource Report Graphic Presentation by third party assay laboratory Telesco presented October 11, 2008 at the Open House BBQ on the Comstock

Prior Sept 2008 Reserve Progress Report

Latest presentation associated with the most recent 8K showing reserves of $418 million/57 drill holes at $777/oz Gold, 516koz; and $11/oz Silver 2moz (over $450 million at current Au/Ag prices):

Topical YouTube videos that answer most questions. Videos made while during visits to the Nevada Comstock exploration site, future mine over “known deposit” (refer to Fall 2008 Press Releases), processing facilities as well as Goldspring management's presentation at the mine visits in the Comstock HQ and the Red Chip conference in San Francisco on June 5, 2008:

Video Features: Compilations of charts, photos, video clips, SEC filings, PR, interviews and presentations

Goldspring's investment bank, Merriman, Curhan, & Ford - Nasdaq:MERR:

All GSPG SEC filings:

- Goldspring's mining property is located in the U.S., not in a geo-politically unstable region of the world. Not where some governments are nationalizing their natural resources including precious metals.
Digging is normal in the Comstock

- Precious metal prices typically rise when monetary systems loose value and provide a hedge against inflation.

- All of Goldspring's prior legal issues have been settled.
- Fully Permited (normally a ten year process).
- Strong and experienced management led by CEO Robert Faber and COO Jim Golden.
2008 Goldspring Press Release Highlights

- World class geologists and metallurgy experts on staff.
and refer to title of videos

- Current drilling program has been successful and continues at a methodical pace according to an organized design.

- Mining production to begin in 2009 and projected to continue for 25 years.

- 43-101 Resource report indicates more than $450 million of gold and silver on less than 5% of mining property representing a multiple of current market cap.
516,000 oz gold and 2 million oz silver. Increase of the precious metal reserve is anticipated with the 2009 filing of document "NI 43-101". Afterwhich Production Commencement could occur in 1-2 months.

- 2008 Press Releases stated exploratory drilling is adequately funded to the transition of Production.

- Reasonable potential exists to mine significant ore from the 90% of the Comstock that has not been explored, a layer 0-2,000 feet deep .

- By the way the Comstock has only one mine penetrate half the depth of the 2nd layer, 2,000-4,000 feet deep, the Mexican Winze to 3,300 feet. A few other mines 1860-1923 did penetrate that 2nd layer entering only 200 feet to 2,200 feet deep. So the Second Layer is maybe 99% unexplored. The Third Layer 4,000-6,000 feet has never been explored. Modern Mining has overcome mining to depths of 10,000 feet.,M1

History of the Comstock,M1

- Many historic bonanzas where found at shallow depths, so much so that one of the greatest Silver Kings, John Mackay called them “plums ripe and easy picking from the earth”, hence Goldspring paints its equipment and buildings a plum color. Production Summaries of Comstock Bonanzas 1860 - 1893.

John William Mackay (November 28, 1831-July 20, 1902) was an American capitalist, born in Dublin, Ireland.

Silver Kings

Comstock Kings

- New Exploration is downhill from Historic Bonanzas, in the same Silver City Fault geological structure and at the intersection of new ore trend discovered in 2008 by Goldspring Exploration Model (GEM). Production Summaries of Comstock Bonanzas 1860 - 1893.

-Worldwide Financial turmoil could lead to high inflation. Paper money (fiat currencies, trust currencies, confidence currencies) could have significant devaluation. If so, gold and silver typically increase in buying power per ounce, plus the value increases opposite devaluing buying power of trust currencies. There is the possibility that gold and/or silver will once again be standard monetary instruments.
A Nevada Town Escapes the Slump, Thanks to Gold by Brad Horn for The New York Times

Facts cannot be disputed or refuted. Gold and Silver are assayed in a "known ore body". Follow the Press Releases in first and second quarters of 2009 at

Many shareholders consider this a once in a lifetime opportunity to obtain wealth and financial security.

200+ People voiced 100% Pro Goldspring

People at least 51% committed to Goldspring

Historic Charts, Maps, Photos at

2008 Mine Visit Photos

Google Map:
1200 American Flat Rd, Gold Hill, Nevada 89440
State Road 342 Gold Hill, NV 89440
Click "Street View"

Goldspring is south of the E-W American Flats Rd, W of the N-S American Flat Rd and northwest of American Flats Toll Rd.
President Abraham Lincoln’s back-up location for the U.S. Capitol
U.S. Mint Carson City 30 miles away to mint Comstock silver.
Photo of Goldspring

The televsion show - Bonanza Cartwright Ranch - depicted in the vicinity of Virginia City, NV.

History Channel Modern Marvels at YouTube Search Box: "Virginia City Comstock"
a documentary in 7 parts on YouTube.

Brief descriptions of Topical Video Clips.
Print as a progress checklist as the videos keep increasing and there are a third more to add from the Open House BBQ October 11, 2008, plus additional features in the works.

Information in this Goldspring Facts blog and links will enable a person to discern for themselves what are facts and reasonable expectations, possibilities and potentials. The SEC exhorts people to perform their own Due Diligence (DD) studies prior to investing. It has been my goal to share my studies since March 2008. I have gleaned much from the YMB. The genesis of information in this blog has been provided by Comstock Posse member, Skully. He has been Semper Fi to treat well people with genuine interest and will expose frauds to protect newcomers from mis-information on the YMB. For two months I only read posts on the YMB, before my first post. Probably 10 times more people read the messages and never post. This blog and links herein have been purposed to present facts and potential. There are many more studies to be added, please check periodically for updates.,M1 - The Mineral Resources of the United States By Adolph Sutro

Goldspring, Inc., P.O. Box 1118, Virginia City, NV 89440, Company website

Common stock symbol: GSPG.OB

- Internet search for a worldwide mining journals

Free Level 2 from the OTC BB (Over The Counter Bulletin Board)
Hover cursor over the underlined symbols
Type in GSPG in Quote Box
click the Depth/Level II tab

Structural Localization and Origin of Compartmentalized Fluid Flow, Comstock Lode, Virginia City, Nevada
Byron R. Berger
U.S. Geological Survey, Federal Center, MS 964, Denver, Colorado 80225-0046

Joseph V. Tingley
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, Nevada 89557

Lawrence J. Drew
U.S. Geological Survey, National Center, MS 954, Reston, Virginia 20192

Page One of Google Search for Goldspring New Videos
At Websites

2. GoldSpring Discovers Potential Bonanza Grade Ore at the Hartford ...About GoldSpring, Inc. GoldSpring, Inc. is a North American precious metals ... focused in Nevada, with extensive, contiguous property in the Comstock Lode ...

3. GoldSpring Enters into Agreement to Acquire Mineral Rights to ...Aug 14, 2008 ... GoldSpring Enters into Agreement to Acquire Mineral Rights to Properties in Comstock Lode Reports Suggest Bonanza Levels of Ore Mined on ...

4. New Bonanza Ore Found in Nevada Comstock by ...New Bonanza Ore Found in Nevada Comstock by Goldspring Inc Declared June 5, 08. Tags: june, goldspring, declared, comstock ...

5. Daily Guitar Lesson (?) Videos - New Bonanza Ore Found in Nevada ...View Video Comments For New Bonanza Ore Found in Nevada Comstock by Goldspring Inc Declared June 5, 08 » View GoldspringInc's Other Uploaded Videos ...

6. tag:Comstock - Video Search Results - AOL VideoNew Bonanza Ore Found in Nevada Comstock by Goldspring Inc Declared June 5‚ 08 · New Bonanza Ore Found in Nevad... Channel:YouTube:

7. GOLDSPRING COMPLETES DRILLING TO SUPPORT PRELIMINARY RESERVE ...GoldSpring discovers POTENTIAL BONANZA Grade Ore at the hartford complex ... the largest mineral rights land position in Nevada's Comstock Lode Mining ...

8. Comstock Lode Article from The New York Public Library Book of ...GoldSpring Discovers Potential Bonanza Grade Ore at the Hartford Complex. ... land position in Nevada's Comstock Lode Mining District, reported today that. ...

9. Your Mining News - GoldSpring Enters into Agreement to Acquire ...GoldSpring, Inc. is a North American precious metals mining company, focused in Nevada, with extensive, contiguous property in the Comstock Lode District. ...

Look at Search page 10!
Results 81 - 84 of 84 for New Bonanza Ore Found in Nevada Comstock by Goldspring Inc. (0.13 seconds)

81. Create[initial[Video] New Bonanza Ore Found in Nevada Comstock by Goldspring Inc Declared June 5, 08. [Post] Make Money Online TV: how to make money For Your Business ...

82. Exploration GoldGoldSpring, Inc., a precious metals mining company, engages in the exploration and development of mineral properties in Nevada. The company holds interest ...

83. Stock Market Bits and BotsGoldspring Inc , GSPG.OB Goldstate Corporation , GDTT.OB ...... ORE PHARMACEUT , ORXE ORGANA TECH GP NEW , OGNT.OB Organetix Inc , OGTX.OB ...

84. DATADATE: 20070925 A36.400036.960036.360036.7700155560002 ...TO1.4101.4601.4101.4409375007Claude Resources Inc93214 CRK31.6900 32.100031.370031.890022130002Comstock Res Inc Com New44407 CRK. ...

Goldspring Fundamentals

Visit the mine

The beginning of a study about Goldspring Inc.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Goldspring Inc Facts v7 at Comstock Nevada by Skully

Information presented by Yahoo is often outdated, incorrect, or irrelevant. Due diligence should be done using alternative sites as well as the company's website at:

A look at GSPG's 1 year chart

Goldspring owns, or has mineral rights to, the majority of the Comstock Lode in Nevada

Latest press releases/news from GSPG

Interview of Goldspring CEO, Rob Faber from February 2008:

MUST LISTEN! - Interview of Goldspring CEO, Rob Faber and COO, Jim Golden from June 2008 - PART 1:

MUST LISTEN! - Interview of Goldspring COO, Jim Golden from June 2008 - PART 2:

Goldspring's Preliminary Interim 43-101 Resource Report:

Goldspring's most recent 8K filing:

Goldspring's latest presentation associated with the most recent 8K-reserves of $200 million/41 drill holes on Page 8 has been updated in the preliminary 43-101 to $350+ million plus bonanza grade strike:

Scheqky's YouTube videos covering a visit to the Comstock as well as Goldspring management's presentation at the Red Chip conference in San Francisco on June 5, 2008:

Article on Goldspring providing historical information regarding the Comstock Lode:

Goldspring's investment bank, Merriman, Curhan, & Ford - Nasdaq:MERR:

13G filing reflecting Merriman's ownership of 193 million shares of GSPG:

13G filing reflecting John Merriman's ownership of 73 million shares of GSPG:

All GSPG SEC filings:

  • Goldspring's mining property is located in the U.S., not in a geo-politically unstable region of the world where governments are nationalizing their natural resources including precious metals.

  • All of Goldspring's prior legal issues have been settled.

  • Strong and experienced management led by CEO Robert Faber and COO Jim Golden.

  • World class geologists and metallurgy experts on staff.

  • Preliminary Interim Resource report indicates more than $350 million of gold on less than 5% of mining property which is a multiple of current market cap.

The facts cannot be disputed or refuted.

Between 1859 and 1878, it (Comstock Lode) yielded about $400 million in silver and gold, equivalent to approximately $500–$600 billion in 2005.

DO you know what has happened to the price of gold and silver since 2005? there has been little mining at the comstock since the late 1800's.

Therefore, over 20 years during the mid 1800's, close to two trillion dollars (in today's dollars) worth of precious metals was mined. This mining took place on only 10% of the Comstock Lode. The other 90% of the Comstock hasn't been mined. Goldspring owns or has mineral rights to 80% of the Comstock Lode and their mining techniques have advanced well beyond that of the 1800's.

Couch, Softwarelaw & Scheqky Additions

The Gold Rushes of North America (1847-1900)


History of Virginia City, Nevada and the Comstock Lode

One of Several Reasons as to Why Mining Stopped:
Working the Comstock Lode was extraordinarily dangerous. Apart from the risk of cave-ins and underground fires, miners had to worry about underground
(I have found no record that said the lode was played out - Scheqky)

Book written by a person with a lifespan nearly the same as the historic Comstock One. It is written in an exciting manner. PDF download is free! and no strings attached... The Story of the Mine By Charles Howard Shinn

Dan DeQuille, William Wright, worked for the Territorial Enterprise during the great rush and development of the Comstock Lode. A hardened and knowledgeable reporter, DeQuille wrote many stories about the mines and activities of Virginia City, Nevada during late 1850s and continuing into the 1870s. He was considered a mining expert by many people, especially the miners themselves, and was invited into all the great mines.

Creme de' le Creme - The History Of Virginia City Part 1 of 7
by Modern Marvels, History Channel
When there click to the other six videos.

Returning to Skully's post:

Relevant facts to remember always...

+ Only 10% of the Comstock Lode has been mined!
+ Goldspring owns or has mineral rights to 80% of the Comstock Lode!

+ Precious metals prices are going much higher!
+ Goldspring has already found in excess of $350 million in gold reserves! A multiple of the current market cap of the company!
+ Bonanza grade ore bodies found [drill holes #40 & #44] – (40) 5 ft @ 1.9 opt Au and (44) 5 ft @ 1.559 opt Au/6.35 opt Ag - if it proves to be a volume large enough to be called a bonanza.

+ Commstock has largest silver vein in the historic USA! (Nevada is the 'Silver State')
+ 33 bonanzas found to date (1800's) on only 10% of property. More bonanzas are here!
+ Comstock is on U.S. soil-no geo political issues!